Skoda octavia TDi 4x4 worn clutch

Just pieces of clutch left
Just pieces of clutch left

Skoda Octavia 1.9 TDi 4 x 4 came in as the owner couldn't get it into gear and the clutch pedal was down to the floor.

We removed the gearbox and found that the clutch had completely disintegrated causing damage to the concentric slave cylinder.

We replaced both items, bled through the clutch system and re-fitted the gearbox. Test drove the car and it was absolutely fine

Disintegrated Clutch
Disintegrated Clutch

This Skoda had only covered 7600 miles! We think this is an iosolated case as Skodas generally have pretty reliable clutches. Don't let this put you off a Skoda - they are great cars nowadays as they are based loosely on the VW's.

How a person drives is also a factor in whether a clutch can wear out quicker than you would anticipate.