Audi A6 with an engine light on

Audi A6
Audi A6

This Audi A6 owner is a regular customer who has been coming here with his Audi's over the years.

Rod that had become loose
Rod that had become loose

His called to say that his engine management light came on under hard acceleration. We carried out a diagnostics test and couldn't read any faults on the computer system. We cleared down the computer and asked him to call back if the light came back on.

Later that week the light was on again but, even though the car was running fine, we thought we had better make further investigations.

The technician started checking around the engine bay and noticed that, close to the left hand lower manifold area, the variable motor rod had come loose. We think the rod was starting to wear but under hard acceleration had come away.

The rods do not wear for no apparent reason and we were sure that something further down the assembly was causing the problem. Our investigations led us to believe that the manifold flaps were wearing and it was those flaps that had caused the rod to fail. It would be pretty horrendous if the manifold flaps broke whilst the engine was running as they could cause severe damage to the internals of the engine.

New manifold
New manifold

After making a number of calls to Audi technical it was decided to replace the left hand lower manifold which encased the flaps, the motor and rod. This was completed and at the same time we checked the condition of the right hand manifold.

The job was completed over the space of a couple of days but well done to the technician for noticing that the rod had come away and that no further damage had been caused.