Alfa romeo GT with an oil leak

Alfa Romeo GT
Alfa Romeo GT


This 2006 Alfa Romeo GT owner called to say that there was a puddle of oil underneath her car.


Initally we thought that the oil filter had worked itself loose and were expecting just to tighten up the filter and replace the lost oil.

Alfa Romeo cooler pipes
Alfa Romeo cooler pipes
Very corroded pipe
Very corroded pipe


When we got it on a ramp we realised that the two oil cooler pipes had serious corrosion where they join onto the oil cooler. This corrosion has spread to the oil cooler itself. The only way to make a permanent fix was replaced both pipes and the oil cooler.

The job took a week to do as the parts were not readily available from Alfa Romeo but the local dealership delivered them as soon as they landed from Italy - so thumbs up to them for their help.

Once the pipes, cooler, engine oil and oil filter were replaced the car was back on the road.